
When atheists say Christians are dumb, I try to defend Christians as much as possible. However I’ve seen some really stupid Christians out there it’s becoming increasingly difficult to defend them . I Just finished  debating with a so called Christian that shared a meme that says Mary’s birth was unplanned and that’s why Christians should be pro life. I don’t want to embarrass the person more than he already has to himself so I’ll just call him MC. Here’s the meme and  how the conversation went:

Clement LI
: I’m Pro life, and I think this is dumb. Whoever created this or believe Mary’s birth was unplanned knows very little about scripture.

: Read the previous comments – from a human point of view, it was unplanned. Mary certainly didn’t plan it. When Gabriel announced what was going to happen it was a huge surprise.

Clement LI
: Unplanned pregnancy means a couple has sexual intercourse without intention of having a child but the female becomes pregnant.

There was no sexual intercourse involved here, Jesus was planned since the fall of man , and Mary was told she would bear the child. Hence, it wasn’t unplanned.

Human point of view? Why would I look at it from a human point of view when I can just look in scriptures and see it in God’s point of view?

: Unplanned pregnancy means it was unplanned – which for Mary it was. You are way over analysing a simple message.

Clement LI: I know unplanned pregnancy means unplanned. Except in this case it was planned. There were plenty of prophecies about Jesus in the old Testament, Isaiah 7:14 even told us it was going to be a virgin birth. God planned it, therefore it was planned.

No I’m not over analyzing anything. You’re the one suggesting that I should look at it from a human point of view. The bible is quite easy to understand, whatever God says that’s what God means, and God says it was planned. Therefore it was planned

: A woman not thinking about having a baby becomes pregnant. She did not plan for it to happen. Of course God planned it, but that is not the point of the message.

Clement LI
:So you’re saying because God planned it, it was still considered unplanned because the woman was surprised? Have you ever considered that she was  surprised because virgins usually don’t give birth?

And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name Jesus (Luke 1 :31-33)

The angel told her she WILL become pregnant. She could of said no if she wanted to. God planned to have a virgin birth, and Mary happened to be chosen to bear the child. She accepted, therefore it was planned.

MC: OK sure, so technically it was unexpected, rather than unplanned; but no one talks about unexpected pregnancies, so that would defy the point of the message. This is not about Biblical accuracy, it’s a simple message about the value of all pregnancies & all babies.

Clement LI
: It was planned by God. So it was planned. What part of planned-by-God did you not understand? And yes, it is about biblical accuracy. The bible says the birth of Jesus was planned yet you say it wasn’t. You’re pretty much asking us to believe you’re more accurate than the bible because you look at it from ” a human point of view”.

: OK, so this particular message doesn’t speak to you, that’s fine. It does speak to other people.

Clement LI
: And what message is that? The meme you shared isn’t even biblical and completely false. You’re going to debate someone who is pro-choice by showing them a false message and lying about what the Bible actually says? good luck with that

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